Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Turn!!!

Attention Book-Ho's:

The book I have chosen for us to read next is...

Deception Point by Dan Brown

I chose this book because I wanted to go with a "conspiracy" theme and I have read a few of his other books (The Davinci Code and Angels & Demons) and have really liked them. It has gotten a lot of good reviews, so I hope it is a good choice!

Besides reading the book, I want to assign additional homework to go with the theme. I would like everyone to be able to discuss their favorite conspiracy theory (JFK, Elvis, aliens, etc) and present a few reasons why they do or don't believe it. I think this will be fun and keep us more on track!

Nicole =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well that's about the antithesis of the safe and friendly chick lit I had assumed you would choose (and I would deeply appreciate some fluff at this point). Andy really liked this book. I can't say our taste in literature has EVER overlapped, I'll give it a fair trial.