Thursday, January 10, 2008


Nicole suggested I make a blog (she's too lazy) for the book club. So this is basically a way to track book club info like the current book, when we meet, stuff like that!

So is there any day that is bad for people to meet in February? I was thinking something along a weekend day.


Nicole said...

I am not lazy...I am awesome!

Lorena said...

Feb. Sounds good!

Anonymous said...

What happened to giving me a month and a half?
-Emily ( i left it anonymous because I'm too lazy to fill out the info)

Anonymous said...

I've apparently become popular (mostly by association) and have fewer free days than I used to. Bryan's friends at work have started their own game night and Feb is our month to host. We're trying to figure out which Saturday it will be. Other than that, though, I'm good to go.

My security word verification is "toowoox". It just sounds like a fun word...

Denise said...

Mel, you know you can sign in with your google account!

Lorena said...

Hmmmm, as of this moment any day works for me once I get the darn book (yeah, it was on-line order)

Lorena said...

I voted!!!!!!!!
you can't say I didn't....Nicole!